Walker Hayes Performs at Live In the Vineyard Goes Country Festival via Proto

Photo Credit: Live In The Vineyard Goes Country/Ryan Waneka

On Thursday, April 28, Walker Hayes was beamed into the main stage at the Live In the Vineyard Goes Country Festival presented by Visit Napa Valley, through Proto – a device that lets people appear as if live, while thousands of miles away. Hayes sang two songs, “Fancy Like” and “AA,” and did an interview about his upcoming book “Glad You’re Here” in front of the live audience, where he appeared in a life-size hologram.

Watch a clip of the performance on Proto’s Instagram here.

Proto has been used at major sporting events and on nation-wide television programs, but Hayes’ appearance via Proto at LITV is the first time the technology has been used at a Country Music event. As artists and teams continue to struggle with cancellations due to Covid-19, Forbes, who spoke to Hayes and Proto CEO and inventor David Nussbaum ahead of the appearance, points out that Proto is becoming an ever important tool, stating “Proto allows musicians to continue to perform without losing that connection with fans.”

More on Proto at ProtoHologram.com

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