Take a Ride With Pop Country Artist Bree Jaxson in New Single “Giving In”

Nashville, TN – At some point in everyone’s life, we wonder what what would be like to just get in your car and drive with no destination in mind….

Afghanistan combat veteran and pop country artist Bree Jaxson, had the exact same thought and decided to write a hot, new killer country song about it!  She decides to give in to her instincts to take a leap of faith, hoping to find herself in a journey with no destination in sight!

“Giving In” is about chasing that dream before anything else gets in the way of it, making that dream impossible to chase. She even goes on to say “I ain’t gonna shift until I learn what it’s like to live.”  Those are the type of lyrics that make you sit back and realize that she is ready to go out to experience the adventure of a lifetime and live her life to the fullest!

 Steaming & Downloading Link

With the vibe of the modern country pop sound, this is a song that you can easily jam to as you roll down the windows and let your hand feel the wind. For a lot of us, taking off and just seeing where life takes us is not an option or something that we will never actually follow through with. I found it a very important statement when Bree said “And I felt every ounce of fear and doubt…”. That just goes to show that the journey is not always going to be smooth sailing but sometimes that is a part of chasing your dreams!

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