Paulina Jayne Wants To Know…Do You Love Country Music?

A brown eyed girl with blue collar pride. Ain’t scared of color. Laughs too loud. Salty surprise in a sugar bowl. Full throttle. Unapologetically high energy. Hair barely tamed. Rustbelt work ethic. Confident yet humble. Give her an inch and she’ll earn a mile.

Paulina Jayne begs the question, “do you love country music?” in her latest release, Country Music Everywhere!

“Caroline Baker and I sat down to write a deep love song…and what did we get? An up-tempo, boot-stomping, feel-good anthem combining all of our favorite country songs into one big summer jam! You may or may not see us in our car shamelessly rapping every word like we weren’t the ones who wrote them,” Jayne says facetiously.

Don’t be surprised when you start counting the titles you recognize in this song. Smile when you hear your cubicle neighbor singing “oo oo oo can you feel it in the air!” Turn up your speakers so you feel the tasteful 808 beat in your chest! Revel in the songs you know – past and present! Country Music is Everywhere.

Paulina Jayne’s latest single, “Country Music Everywhere,” is NOW AVAILABLE on all platforms!

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