Kyle Daniel’s “Everybody’s Talkin'” Out Now

Kyle Daniel, Southern Rock & Country artist is back TODAY with yet another ecstatic single “Everybody’s Talkin’,” ahead of his long anticipated album ‘Kentucky Gold’, set to release on October 14th 2022.


“Everybody’s Talkin’.” A song that cuts through the culture-war noise of the past few years and demands everyone both shut up and listen up. It comes right out of the gate with slick guitar licks. The song is about Kyle Daniels perspective on the world during the 2020 elections. “Everybody’s Talkin’,” disagreeing on many things & dividing each other as a nation more than ever.

The middle of the song comes with a hair-raising guitar solo, played by current Marcus King Band, guitarist, Drew Smithers. The solo is heavily influenced by Americana & blues licks and is much more than a demonstration of a musician’s skills, it’s an emotional musical train that takes the listeners deeper into the song.

Kyle Daniel quotes: :

“Everybody’s Talkin’,” was written during the Presidential race of 2020 when it felt like the entire world was watching America. It felt like at that time, we all could have learned a little more by saying a little less. My hope is that we see a lot of change in the world starting from the way we treat our fellow humans. We can all exist and love each-other in a peaceful manner once again instead of focusing on our differences.”

Kyle Daniel, born & raised in Bowling Green, KY. A young all-star athlete turned music enthusiast, who knew life outside of the small town was not only possible, but a part of the dream.
Since graduating from MTSU, Kyle has been a tour merchandise manager, a session guitarist for major label artists, and has taken on many other roles in the music industry.

Kyle imprinted his own footsteps in Nashville and has begun to lay roots in the Music City of the world, after living there for over a decade. The time is now, Kyle Daniel, is ready to embark on his new journey through “Kentucky Gold”

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