Hayden Joseph’s Latest Single Highlights a Heartfelt Shared Desire Between Mother and Child

Nashville, TN – Mothers dream of seeing their children happy. I’m sure most of us recall years of Mom (and others) joking about how hard we’ll fall in love the day we meet “the one.” The elementary school versions of ourselves likely curled our noses and denied this possibility. Nevertheless, the jokes persisted, and, as we aged, our own thoughts began to anchor on hopes of meeting this person. A parent’s lifelong dream became one of our own. This is exactly what Hayden Joseph discusses in his latest single, “The Only One Who’s Prayin’.” 

The song opens with a nostalgic depiction of the jokes from the past – “For as long as I recall / Mama’s always joke about how hard I’m gonna fall.” Hayden goes on to admit he doesn’t feel like the introduction his Mom has been talking about for so long is anywhere close to occurring, and hints that he worries about disappointing her. 

He proceeds to paint a picture in the song’s chorus of years of hopeful prayers from his mother, asking God to please lead him in the direction of his soulmate. “I know every time the sun sinks down at night / Mama shuts her eyes and asks God to help me find (someone),” he sings. Men are often reticent to admit their desire to fall in love, and Hayden is reluctant to do so as well… until the final lines of the song’s chorus: “The Sun Keeps on Fading / She’s patiently waiting / But, Mama, ain’t the only one who’s prayin’…” A powerful hook that is all too relatable for any single young adult or parent. 

When speaking about the release, Hayden noted, “This is the most personal song I’ve put out. It started as a joke because my mom is ALWAYS asking me about my dating life, and there is never really anything to tell her. In writing the song, I realized that it’s not just my mom praying for me to meet someone. I want it too. Song’s have a way of bringing out our true emotions in ways just talking with someone cannot. I certainly hope I’m not alone in this feeling.” 

The song follows a series of notable releases from Hayden Joseph over the last year. His debut singles have received nearly 100,000 streams to date across platforms. Stream any of his prior singles now, and catch “The Only One Who’s Prayin’” everywhere on 8/27. 

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