Hailey Verhaalen Releases New Single “Sunday Morning Love You”

Nashville, TN – Oregon native, Hailey Verhaalen, has released a new single that will have you singing the lyrics over and over in your head after your first listen. The talented songwriter and her co-writers, Steven Cade and Brittany Moore, paint a clear picture about the kind of love everyone wants to have.

“‘Sunday Morning Love You’ is a feel-good song about a love that is more than just a Saturday night. A Sunday morning love is that person you trust with your heart, can be silly around, and feel 100% comfortable with,” says Verhaalen. “After being known for writing mainly funny, rowdy, and heartbreak songs, I am excited to finally be able to show my softer side by releasing my very first love song!”

Hailey is currently living in Nashville, TN, and is working hard to get her songs and voice heard. She also had the chance to audition for this season 3 of American Idol and made it to Hollywood with a yes from all three judges! Katy Perry commented that her voice “stood out in the competition” and “has a beautiful tone.”

“Sunday Morning Love You” is now available on all digital outlets HERE.

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