Easton Corbin Signs With UTA For Exclusive Booking Representation

Photo credit: Thomas Crabtree

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Easton Corbin has signed with leading global talent and entertainment company UTA for exclusive booking representation in all areas. The Nashville superstar recently celebrated his return to NBC’s TODAY show to perform his latest single “Didn’t Miss A Beat.”

“2020 has brought a lot of changes for everyone but it’s also brought a lot of opportunities. I’ve taken time to work on my team and I’m really excited to be working with UTA,” said Corbin. “Their eagerness and expertise impressed me from the beginning and I’m looking forward to working together which is essential to getting back on the road.”

Corbin released his previous single “Turn Up” earlier this summer, as well as his second collaboration with global EDM star Lost Frequencies, “One More Night,” which has already seen over three million Spotify streams.

To learn more about Easton Corbin, visit eastoncorbin.com and follow along on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and YouTube.

Listen to Easton Corbin on Amazon MusicApple MusicPandoraSpotify, and YouTube Music.

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