Cody Webb Premieres Music Video on the Big Screen for “Truckload Of Trouble”

Cody Webb celebrates as his latest music video, “Truckload of Trouble,” makes its debut at the Hi-Way 50 Drive-In Theater in Lewisburg, TN. Photo Credit: Justin Mayotte

Nashville, Tenn., — Copperline Music Group’s Cody Webb premiered his new music video for “Truckload Of Trouble” on the big screen this past weekend at the Hi-Way 50 Drive-In Theater in Lewisburg, TN.  Webb, along with hundreds of movie-goers, plus fans watching on Facebook Live, were all a part of the video debut, with some traveling from hours away. View the music video premiere re-cap HERE.

“It was so cool to premiere the ‘Truckload of Trouble’ music video on the big screen right where we shot it,” says Webb. “It was so cool to hear people’s reactions to the video and hang out with some folks who had trucks featured in the video.  I grew up in a small town in SC that had a Drive-In just like this one, so it felt like a blast from the past getting to watch the first movie and wait on my music video to play in-between the features. Thank you so much to the Hwy 50 Drive-In for making this night special. Great folks!”

The music video was filmed at the Hi-way 50 in June of this year. Fans gathered early in the day with their souped-up trucks and BBQ grills to partake in the music video. The production started great, but when it was time to shoot the performance scenes the band and crew were caught in a heavy rainstorm.

“We battled the rain all night and for what we went through I’d say we got a pretty cool video out of it,” says video director Justin Mayotte who was with Webb at the premiere.

After the premiere, Webb, who was live on Facebook, walked around talking and interviewing some of the people that were featured in the music video, and also met with fans. The “Truckload Of Trouble” music video will be featured in-between movies playing throughout the summer at the theater.

Watch the music video for “Truckload Of Trouble” below or HERE.

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