Caitlin Quisenberry Releases “Killing Me Softly” to Commemorate 50 Years of the Iconic Song

Photo credit: David Dobson

NASHVILLE, TN. – Country pop artist, Caitlin Quisenberry, joins the ranks of those across all genres, who have covered “Killing Me Softly”.  Her rendition cradles the nostalgic integrity of the song, while modernizing it with a big build and hint of country instrumentation.  Given her diverse background in classical music, Caitlin loves bending genera lines and breaking traditional rules.  Producer Jason Wyatt, who has worked with the greatest legends in the music industry, masterfully built this song to stand the test of time, like its original.  Listen to “Killing Me Softly” HERE.

With every artist who has covered this song, the moment we hear the lyrics of that first line… ‘Strumming my pain with his fingers…’ we are immediately hooked in and excited for what’s coming,” proclaims Caitlin.  “This song is musically brilliant and evokes so much emotion, which is why it’s at the top of my list of all-time favorites.  With this year marking the 50th Anniversary of its first release, I wanted to cover the song to not only commemorate it, but also to be part of its incredible lineage.  It was first released in 1972 by Lori Lieberman (you’ve got to listen to the original), then Roberta Flack made it a #1 hit in 1973, giving her a Grammy for Record of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.  In 1997, the Fugees won a Grammy with it for Best R&B Performance and Best MTV Video Music Award, and just last year, in 2021, it was added to Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.  It really is a song that keeps on giving.  My producer, Jason Wyatt, and I knew the task we were giving ourselves to cover a song of this magnitude.  He spent a considerable amount of time planning out the track to encompass what I wanted to bring to the song, while still keeping its original simplicity and grandeur.”  

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